Monday 2 April 2012

Today, tomorrow, tomorrow, today. Yesterday?

Hello. Hi. Greetings. Hola.

Today, (yesterday) I have been fighting. Not fighting with people, fighting with plants. Yes I have been weeding. Is that the right word? Weeding. Hmm...

Anyway, yes weeding, Weeding with my little 3 year old brother Matthew. Oh how he loved picking the little green weeds out of the ground :) Yes, but his specialty is picking dandelions and saying "Look lexxie flower"!
Also I was sweeping the path at the back of my house. Why? I'll tell you why, Matthew has a big plastic shovel. He was digging up dirt and shoving it onto the path. I quite enjoyed sweeping. "What why?!?!?!" That's what your thinking, I know it. But I don't blame you, I'm weird like that.

Oh right the title, Today, tomorrow, tomorrow, today. Yesterday? Well I chose that because now I'm writing yesterday's. Also because yesterday I was thinking of writing today's blog. Why? I just don't know.

That is the end of 'Today, tomorrow, tomorrow, today. Yesterday?' thank you for reading!

Saturday 31 March 2012

Today is a new blog.


I'm back for more blogging! I know your probably thinking "Again?!?! you barely kept up with the last one!" I know I didn't keep up but this time I PROMISE I will keep up.

So today I have been running back and forth down the road trying to get everything I need. What you say? Well, I have been making a balloon wet. No not with water, well water is involved but no I'm not wetting it with wet water. I am in fact making it wet with glue. No I have not gone mad, I used glue because I have been paper Mache-ing. Glue + water = Mix, Mix + torn Newspaper = soggy balloon. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with it, but I shall find out.

I shall tell you what I'm going to do right... Tomorrow. :D

Best wishes LEXXIE!!!